Chief speaks candidly about the importance of patience in finding success in direct selling. In this Chief Insta Live session 17, Chief talks about the most common question people ask him about direct selling – “What do I need most in direct selling?” His answer is a skill most people take for granted – patience. Read on to find out what he has to say.
The Greatest Mistake Of Direct Selling
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According to Chief, the biggest mistake you can make during your direct selling journey is being impatient. Long-term and stable success takes time. You need to have the right foundations to build a stable network. Doing that takes patience, which is one of the most important traits to nurture. So, don’t rush. Trust in the process and do it the right away, without taking shortcuts. Manage your expectations and know that like with everything else in life, good things come to those who wait.
The Two Levels Of Patience You Need
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“The first level of patience is when you deal with your prospects. Not every prospect is going to jump and say ‘Yes, I want to join QNET.’ They have questions. They have objections. They have news that they have read. You have got to be patient, and not lose your cool,” says Chief. The problem is that most people just think of you doing direct selling as a business, rather than it being your passion. Understanding that not everyone is going to understand your dream to change the world will make you more patient, and more well-equipped to find direct selling success.
Chief said, “The second level of patience is with yourself and with QNET. You are hungry and desperate for fast results. You know what you want and you come in wanting to earn that first cheque on the first day. But you need patience to understand that building a network and a team takes time. You need to understand that if you have signed up, and it’s been three months and you still haven’t earned your cheque, this is perfectly okay. Many of our maxout kings and queens didn’t earn their cheques quickly. It took time and patience.”
Chief’s Advice On The Importance Of Patience
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The most important result of having patience is knowing not to give up. While speaking on the importance of patience, Chief said, “The fact that you are struggling to earn a cheque does not represent failure because it is not a failure. If you ask any of our top earners today, you will see that they waited patiently. They were committed because they knew that they would eventually earn their cheque.” We need to expect rejections and keep moving forward. “If you don’t quit, you will make it. Nobody fails in QNET”
Things To Do While Being Patient
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It’s important that while you are being patient, you are also being active. Build your team and your leaders. Don’t give up even before you get started. Attend your trainings, keep prospecting, and never stop trying to be better. Stay switched on and in the zone. Take one step at a time and tackle each day as it comes.
Chief also runs through a few instances in his direct selling journey where he almost gave up, and how patience helped him find success. He chalks down his success to Dato Sri Vijay Eswaran believing in him and pushing him to be patient, and to keep trying no matter how difficult things got.
No matter how frustrated you get, keep moving, keep trying, and keep working hard. Your patience will be rewarded. Every QNET success story can attest this to this. Your perseverance and your tenacity will pay off. Don’t forget to follow Chief on his Instagram Live account so you don’t miss out on a single one of his inspirational talks.
Watch the full Chief Insta 17 session below:
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Thanks for your time, help and training
Thanks for the update and training .it’s really motivating