Raghu Maurya Reddy from India, currently lives in Dubai and has been with QNET for over 9 years. Before QNET, his life was all about side hustles on top of his jobs to make ends meet. Now, Raghu Maurya is a Diamond Star in the QNET Achievers’ Club, and a role model for those who want to succeed in direct selling. This is his QNET success story.
A Glimpse Into The Life Of Diamond Star Raghu Maurya Before QNET

Although a Computer Science Engineering student, Raghu Maurya worked on a lot of side hustles to make extra money to feed his dream lifestyle – including modelling and teaching dance. After his graduation, Raghu Maurya became a software engineer at a prestigious multinational company, but continued with his side hustles after work hours and during the weekends. He always wanted to do something different from the rest of the crowd but no matter how hard he worked or how disciplined he was, he could never quite live the life that he dreamt of.
Discovering QNET And First Impressions

Raghu Maurya was hungry for an opportunity that would help him feel fulfilled and make a difference. He was introduced to QNET by an old classmate. He was only three months into his then job but he knew he wanted to try his luck as a direct seller. “I had no experience of running a business and I came from a family of employees. I had no one to guide me but I knew that my job and side hustles wouldn’t help me achieve my dreams the way direct selling could. When I heard about QNET and its wide range of exclusive, life-enhancing products, I saw a great potential for success, and I took the opportunity. With QNET, I was not only getting the opportunity to be an entrepreneur but also gaining a mentor to help guide me, and a community of like minded people with whom I could learn and grow with. I felt that QNET was the right platform for me,” said Raghu Maurya.
Overcoming Challenges And Earning His First Cheque

When Raghu Maurya started QNET, he was only 22 and wanted to become one of the company’s youngest, most successful independent distributors. However, his start was slow, and it took him three months to earn his first cheque. It took him around 14-15 months to earn consistently. Because he was very young in the beginning, people didn’t take him seriously. He even felt a lot of pushback from his friends and family. People close to him even told him that heI was choosing the wrong industry, and that he should get an MBA in a foreign university and move abroad.
Speaking on the challenges he faced initially, Raghu Maurya had this to say, “Like every entrepreneur, I faced my own set of challenges that I believe have made my QNET journey that much more memorable. I was living in Mumbai and my base market was in Hyderabad. I had to manage my job, my dance classes and my QNET business all at the same time. I was working 16-18 hours a day, not counting the time it took for commuting and other logistics. I had to give up teaching dance for a while and for the first year, I didn’t have more than $10 in my account. Even attending my first V-Convention was such a challenge. But I love that I went through them because they shaped who I am today.”

What helped Raghu Maurya was having a support system within QNET who helped him overcome his challenges. He found QNET training sessions very helpful, and his uplines gave him direction when he felt lost. He attended all trainings without fail, and was motivated by his strong dreams which he would never give up on. Quitting was never an option.
QNET’s Life Changing Influence On Diamond Star Raghu Maurya

Facing rejections was a normal part of Raghu Maurya’s QNET journey. In fact, he believes he has failed more times than he has succeeded. He believes that the best way to build sustainable success is to keep trying and learning after every failure. And so, even though he felt like giving up in the first few years, he focussed on the big picture and stopped overthinking. Whenever he felt like giving up, he thought about his parents and how he wanted to change their lives – that’s what kept him going.
“Since I started my journey with QNET, the way I think, the way I dream, my confidence, my love for my family and loved ones has changed. I started thinking more about how to help others and to put my team first above myself. I became a lifelong learner and seeker. I have confidence in all my dreams because my uplines have helped me not only in my business but also in my personal life. A major part of my success is because of my uplines and my downlines – they believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself,” he said.
Being A QNET Achiever And Advice To Future Rank Advancement Stars

Speaking on being a QNET Achiever, Raghu Maurya said, “An achiever is someone whose first priority is to succeed. They think critically about what has to be done in order to find that success, including following their upline 100% of the time. To be in the top 1%, you need to put in the hard work required CONSISTENTLY for as long as it takes. There is no point in going on this beautiful journey if you’re going to be on the sidewalk. Choose to be the driver of your business and achieve all your milestones. Give it your best shot and watch what happens. It is amazing to stand on the V-Convention stage as a QNET Achiever – when you are there, you will feel that it was more than worth the effort.”
Here is his advice to QNET distributors who want to follow in his footsteps, “Focus on yourself and your next milestone. Your actions and your success will then motivate your team to achieve exactly like you. If you can do it, so can your team. I was never brilliant academically, and I was average in my job. But if I could do it, so can you. The QNET Achievers’ Club is more than just an average group of individuals. They have a lion-like attitude and have achieved something amazing. Let that rub off on you.”
With QNET, Raghu Maurya has new dreams every time he achieves an old one. Currently, he aims to build five Platinum Stars and 25 Sapphire Stars in his team. He is passionate about creating an army of young and successful entrepreneurs who will not only give their parents their best lives but will also help the less fortunate. Let’s join together to congratulate Diamond Star Raghu Mauyra Reddy on all his past and future achievements as a QNET success story.
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