We asked our beloved distributors on the QNET Official Instagram Page about the most common and haunting fears of direct sellers that are scarier and more blood-chilling than the best horror movies out there. Here’s a list of 10 of those biggest direct selling fears, AND 10 solutions to help you overcome them.
1. Fear Of Rejection
Feeling rejected really hurts and lingers for a long time and one of the biggest fears of direct sellers. But rejection isn’t a reflection on you. It doesn’t mean that there was something lacking in you. Don’t approach each prospect thinking you’ll be rejected. Instead, focus on your passion for QNET, and take each rejection as an opportunity to become stronger. Some will say yes, some will say no, and when someone says no, you say “Next!”
2. Haunted By Self-Doubt
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The voice of self-doubt is always around and unless you’ve already learnt to subdue it, it can be quite strong. It holds you back from taking opportunities or even making an attempt. Our advice to you is to be mindful. The minute you feel self-doubt popping up, say STOP! Make a list of everything you have overcome and achieved and say it to yourself over and over if you need to. When it gets really bad, go to the people who love you and spend time with them, understanding that they believe in you no matter what.
3. Urge To Quit
Fear of losing can make you want to give up and quit, especially when the going gets tough. Hang in there because even the biggest storms have to pass. The next time the urge hits you, hit pause and reflect. Think about WHY you started in direct selling in the first place. Think about what dream you wanted to achieve. And then think again, do you really want to quit? Or do you want to take one more step and then see how it goes? When in doubt, always take one more step than you feel like taking. Success is always just one more step away.
4. Anxiety About Approaching Prospects
Approaching strangers is always a daunting task even if you are at the top of your game. This is another one of the most common fears of direct sellers. This Halloween, start with people within your circle of trust. Think of prospecting as the act of sharing something you deeply love with another person who could benefit from it the way you have benefitted. Set achievable and realistic goals and don’t expect overnight results. Having realistic expectations and understanding that prospecting takes time just like reaping a crop after you sow. Remember that most people would not have the guts to do what you are doing, and that itself makes you special.
5. Dread About Negativity Around QNET
As a legitimate direct selling company and members of various local Direct Selling Associations around the world, we are aware that every successful enterprise will have some negativity posted online. Instead of being fearful of people’s reactions, educate yourself on the latest and most accurate information about QNET, always get your upline to help you with whatever questions you have.
Here are some articles to help you stay up-to-date on the facts.
6. Stress Over Talking About QNET
Every time you feel stressed about talking to people about QNET, remember that preparation is key. Forgot your Halloween-esque nightmares. When you are well prepared, you have nothing to worry about. Do your homework, learn everything you need to know about QNET, anticipate potential questions and learn the answers. Remember practice makes perfect. It’s only a matter of time before you become an expert in all things direct selling and QNET. And never hesitate to reach out to your peers and your mentors for advice.
7. Fear Of Not Fulfilling Dreams In Your Lifetime
The struggle is real, as is FOMO (fear of missing out). If you worry that you will die before you can fulfil your dreams, then don’t leave your dreams to tomorrow. Start this very moment. You don’t need to wait for an auspicious time or date to work on your fulfilling your dreams. Where possible, remove “tomorrow” from your vocabulary and your excuses list. That way, you can go about life knowing that at the very least you have given it your all.
8. Worry About Having Regrets
Regret is a hard feeling to get over. But what’s worse than regret is the FEAR of regret. We put many of our dreams on hold because we worry incessantly about whether we will regret it in the long term or not. Try not to overthink it and next time the worry pops up, just drown it out and do the action anyway. Don’t stress out wondering if you’re making a mistake because even a mistake is a learning lesson that will make you stronger and better. The fear is often worse than the reality. In the words of a popular shoe brand, just do it.
9. Horror Of Negative Thoughts
Breaking news, negativity is toxic, and negative thoughts will drown out anything positive in your life. It helps to build up a barrier against it by creating habits that will help you in the long run. Find your crew and surround yourself with them whenever you feel negativity taking over. Start writing down all the positives in a situation to help you overcome your negative thoughts. Let your feelings out and talk it over with your mentor or QNET family. Engage in an activity that is good for your body, mind and soul.
10. Scared About QNET Being Called A Scam
If you’ve taken a leap of faith in QNET and have stuck with us, then you know for a fact that QNET is not a scam. There’s a reason you are part of this direct selling journey and a reason you want to spread the good news. The next time someone uses the scam word, arm yourself with this information so you have the right tools to deal with any baseless accusations that are thrown your way.
Always remember that you are not alone. These fears of direct sellers are more common than you realise. As scary as it seems, there are millions of distributors around the world who are feeling the same things every day, and still persevere. Take comfort in that, and don’t give up. Battle the house of horrors you’ve built in your head, and face them head-on! You can do it!